Hello, everyone.
I know I haven't posted much since the successful Kickstarter for Gebub's Adventure. This is because I have been busy working on the game. Those of you who backed the project will have received an update earlier this month on the 16th regarding the game's credits. I am using backers' kickstarter(.com) usernames and I want you guys to contact me if you'd rather use a different name(perhaps your real name). If you are someone who has backed the project and missed this, please read the Kickstarter update here to see about finding your name in the credits. The update also includes info on how to contact me if you'd like to change your credited name.
Marius, the composer for Gebub's Adventure, has also been making a lot of progress on music and sound for the different areas. Everything is coming together nicely and it feels really good to be this close to finishing. I'm trying to get a beta ready soon, but there are still just a few things I need to polish and finish up first! It should be ready within 2 weeks, earlier than that if things go well!
Hope you enjoyed this progress update! :)