Sunday, December 22, 2013

working on more games

Surprise! I've been working on more games!

That one WIP I released, Sneaky Guy Search, has gotten a bit more work put into it. The graphics are (mostly all) customizable now, and you can change the music as well! I don't feel quite ready to release the update yet... it needs a bit more polish I think. Anyway, here are some screenshots.
Default Graphics:

Custom "Android VS Apple" Graphics:

I've also gotten heaploads of progress on Maximus Cerebrum, the game is steadily reaching towards completion. I hope that people will receive it well. Here's a fresh new screeny from that:

Ice Cream Dodger HTML5 is also nearly ready to be published... I just want to make it as perfect as possible before the final release, though. Thanks to some quick work from the game's composer, Matthew Pablo, the release is due to come much sooner than I previously thought. With luck I'll have it all ready by tomorrow night!

And now for a bit of surprise, I've actually been working on a revamp of "The Statues Live"(made for GMC Jam #3) recently. The name obviously needed replaced, so this game will be called "Stone Spirit". The game's graphics have also been completely remade from scratch. Additionally, there is now a lot more plot & cutscenes. Compare the difference.
(old)The Statues Live screenshot:

(new)Stone Spirit screenshot:

That's all for now, hope I can release these games soon!

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